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2018 World Equestrian Games - World Endurance Championship

WEG Endurance: Cluster**** of the Century

Horse-canada.com - Full Article

September 14, 2018
by: Pippa Cuckson

A few days before WEG, I shared a current aeriel video of Tryon on Facebook, saying it looked rather more finished than all the images we’ve been seeing from the ground. An American friend promptly posted a picture of Earth taken from Outer Space – Tryon looks even better and more finished the further away you stand….

Certainly the past week has been like observing from a parallel universe. On the one hand, nothing but pink and fluffy press releases from the FEI and Tryon itself. Let’s cheer Tryon for working so hard to get a luxury venue we all thought was more or less ready when given the games 18 months ago half-ready on time.

On the other hand, I have been mesmerized by the non-stop feed on social media of organisational chaos, red dust, mud and floods, and still-being thought-about-but-not-actually-constructed key facilities.

Three days into actual competition, I remain staggered that fire and safety authorities have signed off the public areas. Horse welfare is paramount, as the FEI bleats all the time, but what about people welfare? I’ve been reassured to read about the evacuation plans if Florence hits with all her might. Yet meanwhile I see (current) photos of electric cables festooned willy-nilly across ceilings (where they’ve managed to supply a ceiling, that is) and chunks of discarded construction stuff propped up along public walkways. All lie in wait to mangle innocent passers-by through falling down of their own accord.

I will address the general viability of Tryon and – yet again – the troubled history of all WEGs in another blog. But for now, of course, the fall-out from endurance...

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More Voice Speak Out After WEG Endurance Fiasco

Granrix-replay.com - Full Article

Friday 14 September - 11h13 | Yeelen Ravier and Lulu Kyriacou

In the wake of the fiasco at the World Equestrian Games Endurance by the on Wednesday, more voices are speaking out on the subject and hopefully leading to positive change for the sport. Grand Prix talks to one and reports on a second, both aiming for positive change in the sport they love.


Nicolas Wahlen was in office during the Normandy Games four years ago in particular and does not budge from his position: there will be a before and after Tryon for the discipline he adores.

GrandPrix-Replay: What is your assessment of these World Endurance Championships, which you have experienced from a distance?

Nicolas Wahren: It was a surreal situation. I followed the race on the screens, and it was very addictive. In thirty years of my career, I have never seen that! What happened was the factor of several causes. The organization in the first place, and the technical delegate did not have to do his job perfectly. I saw a lot of things in all the events where I officiated, but never such as this! How could they organize a race in these conditions? It's a crazy world ... I do not necessarily want to throw stone at the organization, but it's a fact.

Then the jury and the officials gave two starts; it seems unlikely! The President of the jury is supposed to be on the starting line! The stewards, for abstract reasons, have asked some competitors to leave on the left and others on the right ... As for the problems of markup during the first loop, it is true that in the United States, the races of endurance run less quickly, so the arrows can often be less well positioned. Afterall, I was not there, but that's what I saw on the pictures. From the moment you give two different starts, there is no longer any possibility of equality of chances.

And finally, there are always these conflicts of interest between the international bodies and the partners ... Seeing that Meydan, with whom I have good relations since I worked for a long time with them, was sponsor of the championship ' was shocking. At the 2014 World Equestrian Games, it was totally forbidden. The FEI had told us that it was impossible for an FEI championship to be owned by a brand, precisely to avoid political and financial conflicts of interest ...

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WEG Endurance 2018 from a front row view

September 13 2018
by Jessica Lemmons Harmon

WEG 2018 from a front row view:

I signed up as a volunteer vet scribe at WEG 2018. Lucky for me, I was the extra vet scribe which meant I was on ‘hot standby’ IN the vet gate. I was there to give breaks to any scribe that needed one, but 99% of the time I just watched everything up close and personal. As everyone knows, I attended this ride to see a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, and to open my eyes to any possible cheating taking place. I know there have been numerous rumors circulating about Rider #3. I saw EVERYTHING that happened at that vet check with that rider. Rider #3 did NOT go back out on course after the 25 mile (40km) ‘warm up’ loop. I am EXTREMELY PROUD of the FEI veterinarians for how they handled that particular situation, and the events of the entire day. Those FEI veterinarians are hands down the most professional, no BS group of people I’ve had the privilege of working with. This particular incident was the ONLY possible FEI rule violation ‘issue’ I saw all day long.

At approximately 5:30PM I was reassigned to the vet gate exit. The two FEI officials responsible for escorting horses to the Treatment Barn needed another person. In my brief 15 minute stay, I helped escort 5 horses to the Treatment Barn.

There are endurance riders and endurance jockeys in ALL countries. AERC/USEF/FEI cannot police *what type* of rider is allowed to attend a World Championship. Unfortunately, all FEI can do is be well prepared for more horses to enter the Treatment Barn when ride conditions are at extremes. I’m 50/50 on what happened yesterday. My heart literally BREAKS (I was crying physical tears) for the endurance horse/rider combinations still competing. The time, money, emotional energy, time off work, and countless other sacrifices made that were wasted is gut-wrenching. The decision to call off the ride punished the true endurance riders that were persevering. However, I 110% understand the decision to discontinue the ride. I helped escort 5 horses in 15 minutes to the Treatment Barn. Horses were being compromised at an exceptionally high rate. It is my belief that the Veterinary Committee was truly concerned about horse welfare, and the Treatment Barn having adequate care for the abundant amount of horses being received. The Tawqeet app shows 16 METABOLIC pulls, and 2 ‘in the clinic’ — that was before the ride was called off. Horses that came in off trail after the cancellation still had to be vetted. Some of those horses were not doing well, and more had to be sent to the Treatment Barn.

I‘m very disheartened by the fact that the ride had to be cancelled. My heart goes out to all those horses and riders that were still in it. I’m so proud of those riders and horses that evaluated the course, made the choice to slow down, take care of their partner, adapted to the HUGE obstacles thrown their way, and were STILL fit to continue. They are the real champions of Endurance, and deserved better.

Spanish Protest (Non) Results of WEG Endurance

September 13 2018

Real Federación Hípica Española have sent a protest letter to Sabrina Ibañez, Secretary General of FEI, regarding the cancellation of Saturday's World Equestrian Games Endurance ride and consequently the decision to award no medals.

With only 1 more loop to complete the re-started 120-km World Championship, ride officials deemed the extremely high heat/humidity conditions too risky for horses to continue the race. Spanish riders were in the lead at this point.

The letter, available for viewing on the RFHE website, list reasons why they request the FEI to reconsider not awarding medals according to placements at the moment of suspension, as this situation has a prior precedent (Euston Park 2012).

The entire letter can be seen here:

WEG Endurance: A Different Perspective

12 September, 2018- 9:05pm

World Equestrian Games Endurance

Tonight I will tell you a story; my story shared with images I took today on a very challenging course at the WEG endurance race in Tryon, NC. I could not leave this venue until I wrote this story. So I sit alone, in the media center and tell the equine world what I saw today.

Today I saw the heart of a sport that I love. I saw the soul of the horse in his effort to please man, and I saw the thrill of the victory in the effort that it took these horsemen and horsewomen to get to these Games.

I saw the defeat of a race not finished. But yet, the race was finished in what I saw through my lens today. I saw commaraderie, I saw a spirit perservere between rider and horse that can only be attained by attemptimg to ride 100 miles in a day.

I saw crews working together from over 44 countries to obtain the same goal...to take care of the horse. I saw volunteers by the hundreds working all day for no pay to support a sport they love- or know nothing about. I saw veterinarians and FEI officials from many countries working together in the best interest of our friend the horse. And in the end, they had to make the ultimate decision to protect our friend the horse. So if you think the race was not won in Tryon my friend, I tell you it was, in what I saw today...

Becky Pearman- Photographer

You will soon be able to see Becky's awesome photography of the ride on her smugmug page:

Ugly End to WEG Endurance Ride

NZEquestrian.org.nz - Full Story

September 13 2018

The reduced endurance ride at the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games dissolved into chaos this afternoon when it was cancelled with the leading riders having just come in from the third of four loops.

The very contentious call was a unanimous decision between the president of the ground jury, the technical delegate, the president of the veterinary commission and the organising committee, citing welfare of the horse as the key driver.

As the decision was announced, the crowd erupted, whistling and yelling their disgust, and running towards the fences surrounding the vet check areas. Calls for calm went largely ignored, with security and police quickly brought in.

New Zealand’s two riders – Jenny Champion aboard Barak Obama and Philip Graham on Rosewood Bashir – who were on their second loop withdrew their horses before the decision was made.

Chef de mission Sarah Dalziell-Clout said it was a real credit to their horsemanship, recognising the conditions were just too tough. Jenny said her priority was to look after her horse. “He was really feeling the heat,” she said. “We had already done 90km if you include the first loop this morning. It is a long way to come for this to happen.”

She said the marking on the ride had been very good, but the track got very stodgy after a particularly heavy downpour. “It made it quite treacherous for horses and then when the sun came out it was so hot. I am disappointed, but I know I did the right thing.”

Philip had not long passed Jenny when he too called the race. “We had a drink at a creek crossing and he just was not as responsive as usual. With heat and humidity like that, things were only going to go one way. I am just disappointed for the day and the event and the way it transpired. It is quite an historic day for endurance.”

Philip said the 40km loop was very demanding even without the humidity. “We did the best we could.”

The president of the Veterinary Commission Thomas Timmons said the cancellation of the ride had been done with horse and athlete welfare in mind. “The conditions this afternoon after the rain resulted in extremely high levels of humidity and, combined with the rising heat, it was deemed unsafe to continue the ride.”

The planned 160km championship ride had not got off to the best of starts – this morning some teams were misdirected at the beginning of the ride and the competition was stopped at the first vet gate. By that time most riders had covered around 40kms. Organisers then restarted the ride as a 120km championship nearly five hours later. The FEI has tasked the independent Equestrian Community Integrity Unit with doing a full investigation how it all went so wrong. The investigation will include interviews with officials, volunteers, the organising committee and any other relevant personnel to provide a full picture of just what happened.

Chef d’equipe for the New Zealand endurance team Sue Reid said it had been a challenging start to the day. When the 160km ride was cancelled a petition was circulated calling for people to support horses and riders being flown to Europe for another shot at the championships. Eighteen of the 40 countries in the ride agreed, with two later withdrawing their support. New Zealand did not sign the petition.

“We worked for two years to get here,” said Sue, “there were just too many variables involved. The petition was very controversial.”

By Diana Dobson – NZ Team Media Liaison

Cancellation of Endurance Competition at FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018


By: WEG Admin
Sep 12, 2018 - 6:00 PM

Cancellation of Endurance Competition at FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018

The remainder of today’s Endurance competition has been cancelled due to a potentially dangerously high combination of heat and humidity, and the conditions out on the trail following heavy rain this afternoon. The decision to cancel, which is in accordance with FEI General Regulations, Article 109.12 was unanimous between the President of the Ground Jury, Technical Delegate and President of the Veterinary Commission, and the Organising Committee.

The decision is also in line with the FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse, which states: c) Extreme weather: Competitions must not take place in extreme weather conditions that may compromise welfare or safety of the horse.

“This was a difficult decision to make, but it was done with horse and athlete welfare in mind as the conditions this afternoon after the rain resulted in extremely high levels of humidity and, combined with rising heat, it was deemed unsafe to continue the ride”, President of the Veterinary Commission Thomas Timmons said.

British scientist Dr David Marlin, who has been working on heat and humidity studies for the FEI since the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, provided the Ground Jury with data from the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) index which showed a reading of 31. Anything over 25 is monitored very closely, and the officials agreed unanimously that 31 presented an unacceptable risk to horse welfare.

In addition, following this morning’s false start, the FEI has tasked the independent Equestrian Community Integrity Unit (ECIU), which is onsite here at Tryon, to do a full investigation into the circumstances that resulted in some horse/athlete combinations being misdirected. The investigation will include interviews with the officials, volunteers, Organising Committee and all other relevant personnel to provide a full picture of what happened.

The findings will be presented to the FEI Bureau and the conclusions will then be made public.

WEG Endurance off to worst possible start – a restart!

Horseandponymag.com - Full Article

The New Zealanders are safely through the first leg of the endurance competition but it counts for nought now, as the race will be restarted as a 120km competition.

By Jane Thompson - September 13, 2018

The Endurance competition has had the worst possible start at the 2018 World Equestrian Games when there was so much confusion at the start and during the first leg of the competition, that the race will be restarted later today (estimated to be between 11 and 11.15am here).

The official release states:

“As some teams were unfortunately misdirected at the start of today’s Endurance ride, the competition will be stopped at the first vet gate and re-started as a 120-kilometre championship. In order to ensure that all horses are fit to compete, they will all go through the vet check. Only horses who have passed the vet check will be allowed to compete. No substitution of horses will be allowed...

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Chaos at WEG Endurance

Horse-canada.com - Full Article

September 12, 2018
by: Pippa Cuckson

UPDATE: Horse Sport talked to the Canadian endurance team members as they prepared to mount up for the second time. They were in good spirits and said they were all part of the group who did the full 40 km loop. Their horses were all going well but when they were relayed the news about the restart they took it easy on the way back to the first compulsory hold, as their score from the first outing would not count anyway.


Unprecedented scenes of chaos and anger are unfolding on the opening day of the World Equestrian Games, with the ground jury’s decision to re-start the endurance race as 120km 2* event. Many horses had travelled most of the first loop’s 40kms already, but confusion reigned after some riders were misdirected at the start.

Angry scenes erupted amongst participants and their back-up teams, notably within the UAE camp. Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, is sponsoring the event through his Meydan corporation, and his son, Crown Prince HH Hamdan al Maktoum is vying to claim gold again following victory in WEG 2014.

Officials tried to stop the UAE 4* judge Ahmed AL Hammadi broadcasting his altercation with FEI officials on Facebook Live...

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Unprecedented Re-Start at World Equestrian Games Endurance

September 12 2018

Due to the unfortunate circumstances of some riders being misdirected at the start of the WEG Endurance ride this morning, FEI issued a statement ordering a re-start of the ride as a 120-km Championship as soon as all riders were off their first loop.

The statement reads:

"As some teams were unfortunately misdirected at the start of today's Endurance ride, the competition will be stopped at the first vet gate and re-started as a 12-kilometre championship. In order to endure that all horses are fit to compete, they will all go through the vet check. Only horses that have passed the vet check will be allowed to compete. No substitution of horses will be allowed.

The restart of the ride will take place 45 minutes after the last horse has been inspected at the vet gate.

As there is no possibility to reschedule the ride tomorrow, the President of the Ground Jury, President of the Veterinary Commission, Foreign Veterinary Delegate and the Organising Committee agreed that this was the only pragmatic solution.

This is in line with the preamble to the FEI Endurance Rules which state: "in any unforeseen or exceptional circumstances, it is the duty of the Ground Jury and the Veterinarians to make a decision in a sporting spirit and approaching, as nearly as possible, to the intention of these rules and of the General Rules of the FEI."

Meet USA Team Members

U.S. Endurance Embarks on Mission for Team Finish at FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018


by US Equestrian Communications Department | Sep 11, 2018, 8:37 PM EST Mill Spring, N.C. – The U.S. Endurance Team will use the home atmosphere and familiar terrain to their advantage when they mount up in quest for a team finish at the FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG) Tryon 2018. Led by Chef d’Equipe Mark Dial, the team of Gwen Hall, Cameron Holzer, Kelsey Russell, and Cheryl Van Deusen will set out on the five-loop, 100-mile test on Wednesday, September 12, at 6:30 a.m. EDT. The course will start and finish on the Tryon International Equestrian Center main property and will include mandatory veterinarian checks and rest periods to ensure horse and rider safety. The competition will also determine individual medalists.

Meet the Team

Gwen Hall (Woodland Park, Colo.) and SizeDoesntMatter, her 12-year-old Arabian gelding.

Cameron Holzer (Houston, Texas) and Kong, her nine-year-old Shagya Sporthorse gelding.

Kelsey Russell (Williston, Fla.) and Fireman Gold, Wendy MacCoubrey and Valerie Kanavy’s eight-year-old Arabian gelding. Follow Russell on Facebook (@GoldMedalFarmEnduranceTeam).

Cheryl Van Deusen (New Smyrna Beach, Fla.) and Hoover the Mover, her 14-year-old Arabian gelding.

Van Deusen and Hoover the Mover as well as Holzer and Kong step in as U.S. Endurance Team substitute combinations for Danielle Crouse (Lexington, Ohio) and AM Mysterious Mopsa, Wendy MacCoubrey’s 11-year-old Arabian mare, and Rae Shumate-Tysor (Cumming, Ga.) and DM Michaelangelo, her nine-year-old Arabian gelding.

Under the consultation of the U.S. Endurance Team veterinary staff, and in the best interest of their horses, Crouse and U.S. Endurance Squad reserve combination Erin Champion (Clinton, Tenn.), with Kongtiki, her own 15-year-old Arabian stallion, chose to withdraw their horses prior to the veterinary inspection, due to medical concerns.

Shumate-Tysor’s mount DM Michaelangelo did not pass the veterinary inspection.

Last Time Out

Hall and SizeDoesntMatter won the 2018 Fire Up 100 CEI3* in April.

Holzer and Kong won the 2017 Fort Howes Endurance Rides CEI3*.

Russell and Fireman Gold placed 17th in the 2018 Tryon Cup – WEG Test Event CEI2* in April. Prior to this, they won the 2018 Goethe Gallivant FEI Endurance Rides CEI3* in January and the 2018 Fun in the Sun CEI3* in March.

Van Deusen and Hoover the Mover placed second in the 2018 Fort Howes Endurance Riders CEI3* in June.

Career Highlights

Van Deusen: Completed 20 career races with Hoover the Mover, which included 12 top-five placings; Santo Domino 2011 Pan American Games competitor and member of the silver medal-winning U.S. team at the Costa Azul 2009 Pan American Games; 2007 FEI European Endurance Championship Open competitor, and 2005 FEI North American Endurance Championship competitor.

Hall: Completed 11 of 13 races with SizeDoesntMatter, always placing in the top five. They won the 2017 Ft. Howes CEI2* and the 2017 Lone Star Express CEI1*.

Holzer: Finished six of eight races with Kong, always placing in the top three.

Russell: Member of the U.S. Endurance Team for the Alltech WEG Normandy 2014; two top-10 finishes at the FEI Junior and Young Rider Endurance World Championships (2011, 2013); team and individual gold medalist at the 2011 Adequan/FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships presented by Gotham North; won three of five CEI3* events in 2017 and 2018.

Meet USA Team Member Erin Champion

Erin Champion and and Kongtiki, who are the U.S. WEG squad's traveling reserve combination. If needed, they will be prepared to step in. Erin has been an AERC member since 2006. She will turn 26 a couple of weeks after the WEG. 
Residence: Clinton, Tennessee 

• Kongtiki (Kong) is Erin's 15-year-old Arabian stallion (AHR 611193) 
• Erin and Kong placed first in the 2017 Biltmore Challenge FEI 75 
• Erin was first Featherweight and second overall at the 2012 AERC National Championship 50, riding My Lords Solomon 
• Erin has 2,990 endurance miles and 505 LD miles 

Reserve rider/equine teams: Cameron Holzer and Kong, her 9-year-old Shagya Sporthorse gelding; Erin Innes and Tuscarora John, her 12-year-old Arabian gelding; Cheryl Van Deusen and Hoover the Moover, her 14-year-old Arabian gelding. 

Meet USA Team Member Kelsey Russell

Horse: Fireman Gold, an 8-year-old Arabian gelding owned by Wendy MacCoubrey and Valerie Kanavy 
Residence: Williston, Florida 
Age: 22 
Groom: Andres Ramirez Olivares  • Kelsey was selected for the U.S. Endurance Team for the 2014 FEI Alltech® World Equestrian Games™ in Normandy, France 
• She has two top-ten finishes at the FEI Junior and Young Rider Endurance World Championships (2011, 2013)
  • Kelsey won a team and individual gold medal at the 2011 Adequan/FEI North American Junior and young Rider Championships presented by Gotham North, riding My Wild Irish Gold 
• Kelsey has been competing in endurance since she was 13, and has 5,515 endurance and 790 limited distance miles, plus 250 foreign miles 
• She won the 2015 Kathy Brunjes Young Rider Award with 1,000 miles 
• Kelsey and Fireman Gold have 550 endurance miles together, including firsts and BCs at the 2018 Goethe
Gallivant 100 in January and the Fun In The Sun 100 in March 
• She finished in the top 20 at the CEI2* Test Event for the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 on Fireman Gold 
• Kelsey has three top-five finishes in CEI3* events in 2017 and 2018 on Fireman Gold 

Kelsey is currently a third year pre-veteriny student at the University of Central Florida. This is Russell’s second time competing for the U.S. at the WEG. (Photo © Allen McMillan at LoonCreekEnterprises.com) 

Meet USA Team Member Danielle Crouse

Residence: Lexington, Ohio
Age: 47
Horse: AM Mysterious Mopsa, 11-year-old Arabian mare (AHA 631992)

Groom: Andres Ramirez Olivares

Career Highlights:

• AM Mysterious Mopsa has 1825 AERC endurance miles and 100 LD miles with only one DNF

• AM Mysterious Mopsa has been ridden by 13 riders

• Danielle (AERC #636) has 7725 endurance and 245 LD miles

• Danielle has competed twice previously on Mopit, with 2nd place finishes in the 2017 Goethe Gallivant 75 and the Fun In The Sun 100

Meet USA Team Member Gwen Hall

Let's meet AERC WEG team member Gwen Hall, DVM. (You will recognize these two–they were featured on the October 2017 EN cover.)
Residence: Woodland Park, Colorado
Age: 51
Horse: SizeDoesntMatter aka "Dakar," 12-year-old Arabian gelding, AHR #642006
Owner: Gwen Hall, DVM
Groom: Alex Shampoe

Career Highlights:
• Gwen and Dakar have completed 2000 endurance miles and 140 LD miles together since 2011
• Completed 32 of 35 endurance rides with 29 finishes in the top 5 and 5 best conditions
• First place, 2017 AERC National Championship 100 mile ride in La Veta, Colorado

Gwen Hall is a graduate of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. She is a practicing small animal veterinarian and is married with two stepsons. A former ultramarathon runner, Hall held several women’s course records at the 50K and 50 mile distances in the states of Missouri and Kansas. In 2001, she held the eleventh fastest U.S. women’s 100-mile time. This will be Gwen’s first WEG.

Meet USA Team Member Rae Shumate-Tysor

Age: 22
Residence: Cumming, Georgia
Horse: DM Michaelangelo, 9-year-old Arabian gelding
Owner: Rae Shumate-Tysor
Groom: K. Leigh Knox

Career Highlights:
• Since 2013, she and DM Michaelangelo have 18 top-five finishes
• Three wins in CEI1* and CEI2* races in 2018 with DM Michaelangelo
• Second in the 2018 Broxton Bridge CEI3* ride with DM Michaelangelo

Rae is currently a student at Reinhardt University, earning her degree in business. Horses have been a part of Rae’s family for many generations and she currently competes in a variety of breeds and disciplines, including Arabians. Her first memory is that of sitting on a horse, however she credits her father, who was a professional motorcyclist, for her ‘racing gene.’ This will be her first time competing at the World Equestrian Games.

Endurance Nominated Entries for the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games at Tryon

August 19 2018

Nominations are in for the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games Endurance event at Tryon, to be held on September 12rh.

Click here to see full list:

Tryon 2018 World Equestrian Games Endurance Test Event Held

April 29 2018

73 starters representing 24 nations tackled the 120-km CEI 2* endurance event Saturday April 28 at Tryon, North Carolina. It was the Test Event for the World Equestrian Games 160-km endurance event to be held on September 12.

The UAE took the top 4 places, all finishing together in a group, with Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum taking first aboard Upedro, a 10-year-old gelding, in a ride time of 7:21.44. Sheikh Rashid Dalmook Al Maktoum was second aboard Toumani Eureka, an 11-year-old gelding.

Former multiple European and World Endurance Champion Maria Alvarez Ponton of Spain finished 5th riding Upsala El Saad, a 10-year-old gelding, in a ride time of 7:40.41.

Canadians Robert Gielen (riding his 9-year-old gelding More Bang For Your Buck) and Wendy MacCoubrey (riding her 9-year-old mare Black Barts Louta) finished 8th and 9th, in 8:52 and change.

USA's Heather Reynolds was 10th aboard the 11-year-old mare RTR Rimfires Etta. Ellen Olson was 12th riding the 7-year-old gelding Noslos Tuff Enuff. Kelsey Russell finished 17th riding the 8-year-old gelding Fireman Gold. Melody Blittersdorf finished 20th aboard the 18-year-old gelding Synthetic.

The other USA riders who were eliminated were Cheryl Van Deusen riding Nazeefs Flashy Rose, Gwen Gall riding TA Kwik Dance, Jeremy Reynolds riding Treasured Moments, Erin Lemmons-Innes riding Highh Treason, Tracy Hofstrand riding FLF Forever Champion, Erin Champion riding Landroval, Meg Sleeper aboard Syrocco Madrigal, and Holly Corcoran riding Authentika.

24 finished the race, and 49 were eliminated, and consensus is that the trail was tough and the vetting very strict.

USA rider Gwen Hall commented: "The hills are relentless and the rains as recent as Thursday evening made footing challenging in areas. Many eliminations due to lameness and despite our riding “back of the pack” the trail beat us today. This trail reminded me of another certain 100 – never hurry, never tarry. I learned a lot on this ride and am thankful for the opportunity to have participated."

Crew person Devan Horn commented: "So it turned out to be about a 32% completion rate. I truly feel in this case the vets were demanding perfection. Not 100% perfect and fresh, you were out. Also, the footing was rough being a newly cut trail, which effected a lot of riders."

For complete ride results, see:

To stay up to date with the upcoming WEG Endurance, see:

New Zealand: Farewell to Barack

Times-age.co.nz - Full Article

February 9 2018


When it comes to 20-year-old endurance horse Barack Obama, age is just a number.

The big-hearted Wairarapa horse that rose to fame in recent years for his ability to take on a 160km endurance course in his old age, will soon be farewelling New Zealand to feature in the international arena.

For owner Mark Round, the decision to take him to the United States to represent the country in September at the World Equestrian Games was not an easy one.

Taking a horse to an international event will cost more than $70,000 for the round trip — which Mr Round and Masterton trainer Jenny Champion cannot fund.

After the world’s event, Barack will remain in the United States.

“It’s going to be sad to leave him behind, you know he is a good mate and certainly Jenny is very fond of him...”

Read more here:

Australian Endurance Riders Long Listed for WEG 2018


Equestrian Australia (EA) is pleased to announce its long list of Endurance riders for the FEI World Equestrian Games to be held in Tryon this September.

The list of riders is as follows:

Brook Sample
Christine Stomps
Jodie Salinas
Naomi O'Shaughnessy
Penny Toft
Rebecca Pinder
Stella Harbison
Tahlia Franke

Penny Toft and Brook Sample are no strangers to this list and there are some new names that feature on this occasion. Whilst Rebecca Pinder and Jodie Salinas competed at the World Championships last year, they are WEG contenders for the first time. Other WEG long list debutants are Christina Stomps, Naomi O’Shaughnessy, Stella Harbison and Tahlia Franke.

We congratulate all riders on their selection and wish them the best of luck with their preparations over the coming months.

Discover more about the Tryon 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games on our dedicated website http://www.equestrian.org.au/weg2018

Volunteers Needed for FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018

By: WEG Admin
Jan 16, 2018

Volunteer inquiries are currently being accepted for the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 (WEG). Expected to be the largest event in North America in 2018, the Games will be held at Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC) on September 11-September 23, 2018 in Tryon, N.C.

Currently, the WEG Volunteer Management Program is in the “Scope Phase” and receiving inquiries from prospective WEG volunteers. People interested in volunteering can fill out an inquiry form online at Tryon.com.

Submitting an online inquiry is the first in a sequence of steps required to complete a volunteer application. The additional steps can be found in the online WEG Volunteer Portal that will be launched in March. This scheduled launch will begin the “Recruitment Phase.” Volunteers who have submitted an inquiry through the existing online form will receive a link to the Volunteer Portal to begin an application. Volunteers will create a login and password, answer security and ability questions, purchase the uniform package, and sign a liability waiver.

Beginning in April 2018, volunteers selected for service will be notified of their assignment(s), during the “Selection Phase.” May 1 is the deadline for all volunteers to complete applications through the online Volunteer Portal. “Orientation” and “Pilot Training Phases” will occur June through September.

Anyone who has previously filled out the online inquiry form on the Tryon 2018 website does not need to resubmit the form to receive an invitation to the online Volunteer Portal. Interested parties who have not yet submitted an inquiry form may do so, here: https://tryon2018.com/page/volunteer-inquiry-form#top

Housing Update:

Local accommodations may be booked online at: https://tryon2018.com/page/lodging-request

The WEG Volunteer Management Committee is also pleased to announce a community hosting initiative for WEG volunteers. Volunteers may request complimentary housing through the online Volunteer Portal. Hosting families will be located regionally within proximity of TIEC. If you are a homeowner and would like more information on how to host a WEG volunteer, please contact volunteerhousing@tryonweg.com.

Click here to learn more about the WEG Volunteer Program.

For the most updated WEG information, please sign up for the newsletter online at www.tryon2018.com or follow @Tryon2018 on social media.

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The world comes to the North Carolina Foothills
TryonDailyBulletin.com - Full Article

By Catherine Hunter
Published 4:43 pm Thursday, December 28, 2017

The world will be coming to Tryon in fall of 2018 – the equestrian world that is. Next September the world’s leading horses and riders will gather at the Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC) for the World Equestrian Games (WEG).

From September 10 – 23 international horses and riders will vie for top honors in eight of the ten different equestrian sports recognized by the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI). WEG was started in 1990 to allow riders to compete in one location rather than in ten different individual competitions at as many different locations around the world.

WEG takes place every four years opposite of the Olympics and carries many of the Olympic traditions. Originally the Olympic equestrian sports were designed as a three-day-event type competition (also called combined training) that consisted of dressage, stadium jumping and cross-country.

In addition to the original three-day event type competitions, today’s WEG competitions include driving, vaulting, reining, para-equestrian and endurance riding. The two other disciplines, recognized by the FEI, that hold their competitions separately are horseball and tent pegging...

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Day and Weekend Passes for FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 on Sale December 20

Games to be held September 11-23, 2018 at Tryon International Equestrian Center in Tryon, N.C. USA

For Immediate Release

Tryon, N.C. – USA – December 18, 2017 – Day and weekend competition passes for the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 (WEG) will go on sale on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 8am EST. Ticket prices and the event schedule for the Games, which are set for September 11 through September 23, 2018, are available online at www.tryon2018.com.

All Session Day Passes, which grant access to all WEG competitions on a single weekday, went on sale in October 2017 and sold out after one day. Due to the popular demand of All Session Day Passes, organizers are releasing an additional, limited supply of 500 passes per event day on a first come, first served basis for the dates of September 12, 19, 20, 21. All Session Day Passes for September 13 and 14 are sold out due to meeting capacity for Eventing Dressage on both days.

For the first time, All Session Weekend Passes will be available. The All Session Weekend Passes will also go on sale on Wednesday, December 20, 2017, and will allow the ticket holder access to all WEG competitions during the selected weekend. All Session Weekend Passes are available for September 15-16 and/or September 22-23.

Click here to buy tickets.
Click here to see the Official Session Timetable.

All event tickets and passes grant access to the general event grounds including the expo, vendor areas, and demonstrations. Individual competition tickets are expected to go on sale this winter. Organizers are releasing additional ticket package options as demand for those ticketing types has remained high since launching ticket sales in October 2017.

“The 2018 WEG is expected to be the largest sporting event in the United States and fourth largest in the world in 2018 and should be on everyone’s to-do list for next year. We are anticipating a sold-out event,” said Mark Bellissimo, Founder and CEO of Tryon International Equestrian Center.

With all competitions happening onsite at Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC) in Mill Spring, N.C., attendees can come for the day, a weekend, a week, or the entire Games. Tickets are available online at www.tryon2018.com. Select “Buy Tickets” from the menu.

Held every four years alternating with the Olympic Games, the FEI World Equestrian Games™ crowns the world’s best athletes and horses as the ultimate world champions in the equestrian disciplines of Jumping, Dressage and Para-Equestrian Dressage, Eventing, Driving, Reining, Vaulting and Endurance. Horse and rider combinations from more than 70 nations are expected to compete in the massive 12-day event.

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